Issue 14: Anatomy
Cover Art by Joshua Mercier
Cover Art by Joshua Mercier

Richard Berwind

Madison Blackwell

Alex Morgan

Brianna Simmons

Kylee Graham

a certificate that reads
“daddy’s merciless little god”
Deon Robinson

Tomcat Blues
Joe Buckler

did it hurt?
Taylor Meehan

The Moon Doesn’t Speak and The Stars Are Dead
Jordyn Taylor

Brianna Simmons

White Rib Woman
Jacob Tashoff

Emily Bell

Brianna Simmons

Cara Roets

Cara Roets

Cara Roets

Kayla Bush

Cara Roets

Kevin Helock

Alex Morgan

Taylor Meehan

Cara Roets

You Don’t Even Try to Remember Anymore
Jacob Dimpsey

A loss of laughter
Jordyn Taylor

Shit I’ll Keep Telling Myself I'll Use, But Probably Won't
Realistically (That I'll Keep
Anyway for Fear of Wasted
Amy Jarivs

Cara Roets

What is the shape of your body?
Jordyn Taylor

Hannah Aud

Abigail Krautheim

7 proud lbs ekphrastic
Deon Robinson

Cara Roets

The Art Of Nyctophobia
Cara Roets