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Our Contributors

Hannah Aud is a Sophomore Creative Writing and Editing & Publishing double major. First and foremost, she’d just like to say, “Look ma! Look pa! I made it!” She’s been writing since elementary school, though she hopes that she has improved at least a little since then. She loves to write, make art, cook, dance, and just be a little (okay a lot) weird.


My name is Emily Bell (duh). I am a sophomore at Susquehanna (I guess at this point we should say a rising junior). I'm majoring in Creative Writing and Publishing & Editing, and minoring in Asian Studies. I’m from a small town in south-central Pennsylvania called Mercersburg. I am a dancer as well as a writer, because I enjoy storytelling in all its forms. My favorite book is Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda, and my favorite TV show is sense8 on Netflix. I love cats, movie soundtracks, and swearing. 


Madison Blackwell studies creative writing and has a double minor in religious studies and women and gender studies. This first publication of hers has fueled her fire to craft more stories with strong female leads.


Joe Buckler is an author of adult and children's fiction, a current M.F.A. candidate at Emerson College, and an alumnus of the University of Arizona where he graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Creative Writing. His fiction has been featured in several publications, including Stork Magazine, Persona, and the forthcoming anthology Nefarious Nature from Weasel Press. When not acting as Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Blind Corner Literary Magazine, he also serves as Curriculum Developer for a nonprofit, education initiative.


Kayla Bush is a sophomore creative writing and publishing/editing double major. She is the secretary for both SU Slam and FUSE, the VP for LSM, and serves as the deacon of spiritual nurture. She also is a career ambassador, presidential fellow, and works at SAIS. Her passions include coffee, showing up to meetings with cereal, updating her plantstagram, and purchasing as many Button Poetry books as she can. Her greatest weakness is 2009-2012 era club music. 


Jacob Dimpsey is a senior creative writing major. He likes to write about things that don’t exist. His work has previously appeared in RiverCraft, Essay, and Flock Literary Journal.

Kylee Graham (she/her), is a feminist poet, and activist currently located in PEI, Canada, studying veterinary medicine at Atlantic Veterinary College. She is passionate about addressing gender based violence, social inequality, and collective healing. Her work has been published in the literary journal Laurels and Bells, Beyond Words Literary Journal, Headline Poetry and Press, and now The Sanctuary Magazine! Check her out on instagram @k.gpoetry_ !


Hailing from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Kevin Helock began his writing career in high school where he earned a Scholastic Writing Awards National Silver Key and publication in The Best Teen Writing of 2016. He enjoys all narrative media including novels, films, and video games, and will talk your ear off about them if given the chance.


Amy Jarvis is a junior Creative Writing major who originally hails from Rhode Island. In her free time, she's either fighting back against how her body's failed her, or inventing new worlds to beat it from. She’s a poet, a lover of light, and a hopeless romantic, although not necessarily in that order.


Abigail Krautheim is a Publishing and Editing major with a double minor in Marketing and Professional Civic Writing. She is an avid lover of photography and animals. She has had multiple photographs published in other on-campus literary magazines and is an editor for Essay Magazine.

Taylor Rose Meehan sneezed on her little brother when he was in the NICU and still hasn't lived it down after 15 years. She writes songs, poetry, and the occasional essay, usually with her cat determinedly laying across her notebook. Tay sometimes goes by the pen name "anxious burrito" and is studying creative writing, publishing & editing, and music technology at Susquehanna.

Alexander Morgan is a Creative Writing student who often writes poetry and fiction on subjects such as politics, depression, sex, social media influence, and trashy social situations. He also exploits the magic inherent in words: the bending of sounds to create not only poetry, but experiences of ascension. Like any good magician, he refuses to spill his secrets, but is always willing to brag to those charmed. If you can find his work anywhere: be prepared to be blown away.

Deon Robinson is an Afro-Latino poet born and raised in Bronx, New York. He is an undergraduate at Susquehanna University, where he was the two-time recipient of the Janet C. Weis Prize for Literary Excellence. His work has appeared in Homology Lit, Honey and Lime Lit, Kissing Dynamite Poetry, Occulum Journal, Okay Donkey and the Shade Journal, among others. His work was also nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology in 2019.


Cara Roets is a writer of many genres and a photographer of many lenses. She loves to experiment, and takes every opportunity to discover and animate unique subject matter.

Brianna Simmons roams museum exhibits like an anthropological cryptid and will laugh and never give a straight answer when asked where she is from. Looking for inspiration in every corner, cranny, and cranium, she writes to capture the nuances of human imagination.


Ava Stanski is a junior Creative Writing major, and a Film and Women’s Studies minor. She is involved with Slam Poetry Club and Belly Dance Circle. She was published in Sanctuary last year, and is excited to continue the trend. She enjoys hanging out with friends, playing video games, and binge-watching shows on Netflix instead of doing her homework. She one day hopes to achieve fame as a novelist, but until then is more than happy to build up her portfolio with poetry, fiction, and journalism. 

Jacob Tashoff is a graduating senior with a major in Creative Writing. He can often be found plotting intricate fantasy novels he'll never write and cramming as many euphemisms into a story as he can fit. He has a great love of making the ordinary extraordinary and the extraordinary dull and boring. His other work can be found in the previous three issues of the Sanctuary Magazine and online with the Dime Show Review. His podcast work can be found online with ME/US/U and 1:16 in the Morning.

Jordyn Taylor (AKA Venom Valentine as her fellow performance poets know her as) is a Junior Creative Writing and Publishing and Editing double Major from Bangor, Pennsylvania. She is the Hashtag Slinging Slasher (or PR chair) for The Sanctuary Magazine. She is a lover of murder mysteries, poetry slams, red velvet cupcakes, and anything, creepy, or just plain weird. She’s thrilled to have four poems published in the upcoming issue of The Sanctuary Magazine.

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