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The Places A Mind Should Never Go
James Santangelo



A cool spring night. NANSAA (78), is staring at a framed photo labeled MOTHER. In a fit of anger, she SMASHES the frame onto the floor.


Nansaa stares at the ceiling. Her anger quells. She looks out the window. Cool winds blow into the room. A full moon hangs in the night sky. It is reflected by a small lake near the front of the hospital. Looking back to the ceiling, Nansaa closes her eyes with a heavy sigh.




Nansaa stares at a built-in pool surrounded by a garden. The water splashes near the edges, as if someone was swimming. Nobody is there. To the right in a wooden lawn chair is a young Arab girl (9).


YOUNG NANSAA proudly shows the sticker attached to a cursive worksheet. 


The splashes stop. 


They continue. 


Young Nansaa's smile turns to a frown.


The water stills near the pool edge. Wind chimes begin ringing in the wind, making any response inaudible for Nansaa. She looks confused.


The environment begins to melt and move like ocean waves. The wind roars. The wind chimes ring aggressively.


The water in the pool remains still. The wind chimes stop ringing. Young Nansaa stares at the edge of the pool.


Desperate, Nansaa takes a seat in the lawn chair next to the young girl. The chairs morph, like wax in a constant state of melting and solidifying.


Nansaa grabs Young Nansaa by the shoulders as she speaks. Her hands go right through the girl. The wind chimes pick up again, but stop intermittently. A voice is barely audible to Nansaa.




Tears stream down the young girl’s cheeks.






Young Nansaa gets up from the chair and kneels next to the edge of the pool. Her arms wrap around air. Nansaa watches with curiosity before looking around. 


Her eyes settle on a bush of SCORPION GRASSES. 


She focuses on them. The surroundings stabilize. A figure appears in the water, a middle-aged Arab woman.








She begins sobbing alongside Young Nansaa. The two hold each other tightly as Mother wipes away the young girl's tears.





Young Nansaa nods. She sniffles. A tear falls down Nansaa’s cheek. She walks to Mother and joins the embrace. Her arms go through Mother during the hug. She closes her eyes to help stop the tears.





Nansaa opens her eyes. She is now in a candlelit room. A grand piano is in the center. IIRSHAD (72) and OLDER NANSAA enter. Iirshad sits at the piano, his body flickering in and out like a broken light. Older Nansaa sits in a parlor chair.


Iirshad laughs heartily.


Older Nansaa laughs smooths out her cocktail dress. Iirshad's smile turns to a slight frown and he turns around to face the piano.



Discordant music plays as Iirshad’s fingers strike the piano keys. His fingers go through the keys, disappearing into the instrument. After some time, his playing slows and he speaks up.







Irishad holds up a finger.





Older Nansaa becomes silent. She moves to the side of the piano. A vase of SCORPION GRASSES sits on top. She pulls out nine of the blue wildflowers. They are as stiff as she is.










Older Nansa looks to Iirshad, her expression flat.






Iirshad stands up and swipes the flowers out of Older Nansaa’s hands.






Older Nansaa looks away from Iirshad. 




Iirshad looks down at the piano. He plays a few keys. He speaks again, his voice cracking.



Older Nansaa and lets out a tear-filled scream, knocking the vase onto the floor. The room starts melting into a black void below. Older Nansaa stomps away, melting into nothingness. Iirshad remains alone before he too melts into the void. Nansaa falls.



Older Nansaa, Iirshad, Eusfur (23), Nansaa, and HOSHI (24) are all tidying up the display windows in a woodshop. Bright sunlight streams through the glass, illuminating the front room with an otherworldly glow.









Iirshad leaves. Older Nansaa takes out a bundle of flowers from her bag.




Hoshi walks over to his desk and grabs a vase, carefully putting them inside.






Iirshad returns with the chair and puts it on display in the shop window. He looks to Eusfur for reassurance, who nods.



Eusfur gestures to a wooden bench near the entrance of the shop. Iirshad and Older Nansaa promptly sit down.



Hoshi wraps an arm around Eusfur and smiles reassuringly.




Eusfur looks sheepish. He puts a hand behind his head and laughs.








Nansaa watches from behind the desk. Her lucidity is slowly returning. She wears a bittersweet smile.

Older Nansaa gives Hoshi a tight hug. The boy returns it, his face beet red.








Older Nansaa stares blankly for a second and looks around. She recollects herself and takes Hoshi's hand. She pulls him towards the door, looking back to him as she speaks.



Hoshi looks confused.


Iirshad frowns and looks at Eusfur, who shares the same look of concern.




The boys give Iirshad a quick nod of agreement then swiftly leave, being led by the hungry Older Nansaa. 


The flowers in the vase wilt rapidly. Iirshad breaks down and falls to his knees when the three are out of sight. He begins sobbing and heaving. Nansaa kneels next to him with an expression of remorse as she rubs his back, her hand going through him.




Nansaa sighs, closing her eyes.



Nansaa opens her eyes. Iirshad and the room are gone. A void remains.




The black void deteriorates. Nansaa disappears.



Sunlight streams through the open window. A visibly older Hoshi, Eusfur, and Iirshad are all seated by the hospital bed. A NURSE checks on a sleeping Nansaa. An elephant plush is placed securely in her bed as she sleeps. The broken photo is now replaced with a new frame. After a moment, Nansaa wakes.




Everyone in the room looks bewildered. The nurse swiftly walks out of the room.



Nansaa smiles wide. She sighs.














The four of them converge and hug each other. The nurse motions Iirshad to come outside with her. He follows.


A mostly empty hospital hallway. Iirshad and the nurse walk away from the room as they speak.










Iirshad appears as if he's been prepared for this for a long time. He nods and faces the room, glancing back to the nurse before heading inside.














Iirshad winks at Eusfur and sits down next to Nansaa. He holds her hand and squeezes it tightly.







Hoshi and Eusfur leave the room. Nansaa motions for Iirshad to come closer. He leans on her bed, his head resting on his arms.









Iirshad pauses as he stands.





Iirshad gives Nansaa a long look. He readjusts the elephant plush, keeping it tightly nestled in Nansaa’s arms. He fluffs her pillow and straightens her blanket. After a moment of loving silence, he gives Nansaa a kiss.


Iirshad leaves the room.


Nansaa closes her eyes and sighs with a smile. Content.






I had so much fun today at school, Omah. Mr. Prescott said I had the best ever cursive, and he gave me an elephant sticker! He told us he got stickers of all our favorite animals so we would work extra hard!


Omah, when will we see Baba again? The trip was over a week ago. He didn't come home to make halva with me for my birthday yesterday!


But you said his trip was delayed before too!


Where am I? Who's talking?


What do we need to talk about? Is Baba okay?


Why am I here? I'm scared, where is my nurse?




What do you mean Baba is asleep forever? He won't come back? Who will I make halva with? He can't make halva with me if he's asleep! Go wake him up!


I'm sorry habibi. Sometimes when people are too sad they do things that make them sleep for a long time. But he loved you, oh, how he loved you. He always asked me about your day at school when he got home, and he worked so, so hard to keep us happy.


Then why? see him! Why is he asleep? I want to see him!


There are mean people in this world. People that do not like us because of where we come from. Your father lost his job because of them, and nobody would hire him anymore.


We will see him again soon. We'll make some halva to give him too, how about that? With extra honey, just the way he liked it.


Baba, Omah…I'm sorry. I'm sorry I forgot you. Will you forgive me? I won't forget anymore. I don’t want to forget anymore!


So Nansaa, you finally decided to retire? How long have you spent at that middle school now? Fifty-three years?


Around that! About time I say, I don't know how much longer I could handle Henderson being in charge. What kind of principal messes up scheduling so badly that students have two classes during a double period? How is that even feasible?


Well, he's certainly proven himself to be a tool!


Now. I know I've been exciting you all week! A piano piece for our fortieth anniversary, might as well put us in a Hallmark movie huh, habibi?


A Hallmark movie? What are we, superheroes?


Right. Well, allow me to play a song for my beloved Fila.


We need to talk, Nansaa.


Why is that? Is this about the woodshop that EUSFUR is opening soon? Oh, I knew it would be hasty. He barely knows how a business runs! And a woodshop? With all these big furniture stores coming out, how could he ever get bus-


You've been forgetting, habibi.


Forgetting what? Everyone forgets things Iirshad, you'll have to be a little more specific.


Yesterday you complained that it was Mrs. Nevutio that messed up the scheduling. Now it's Henderson. Who will it be next?


What do you want me to say?


That you're struggling to do things. I've seen you try to find where the cups are in the kitchen when you have one right on the kitchen island. Or you bring out butter knives instead of forks. We always played it off as a joke, but something tells me you and I know what's really happening.


I'm not my mother.


Nobody ever said you were.


Why bring this up now if you've noticed so much before?


Eusfur called me a few days ago. Said he found you a block away on his way here. You told him you had to bring something to the post office. It was near midnight.


Fine. So I got a little mixed up. You know how busy I've been. Retiring soon, we have Eusfur's shop opening…


Stop making excuses! Can't you see what all of this denial is doing to you? To us? This isn't a joke Nansaa, I'm scared!


You saw your own mother go through this. You witnessed her bloom into her older years and then wilt as this took hold of her, ruining her mind!


What if I don't want to acknowledge it! Why don't we just leave it be and pretend it's not there? Carry on with our lives so we can spend these last few years we have in quiet peace? Do you know how much time those doctor appointments take? The therapy? The medication and its side effects? All those precious hours taken away from us. From Eusfur! You don't know what it's like to grieve someone while they're still in front of you!


You think I'm not already doing that? Every morning I fear it's the day you look at me and wonder who I am. 


What are we supposed to do on the sidelines until that happens? Watch you wither away day by day? What happens when you forget our anniversary? Do we just ignore it? What about when you…forget everything? Who we are to you? Husband? Son?


Baba, can you get the rocking chair from the back room? It's the last piece to put on display before we officially open.


Sure thing. Oh, Nansaa, didn't you have something for them to help spice up the front desk?


Omah always had bushes of these growing in her backyard, and I've picked up on the habit! Here dear, I know you'll enjoy your work at the desk much more with these in a pretty vase.


Thank you! Eusfur never stops talking about your garden, now I have a piece of it with me! I've never seen such a vibrant blue before, what's your secret?


Ah! It’s all in the water. Too much leads to root rot, water them once a week, maybe less! They are a very hardy plant after all.


Now that everything is settled, Omah, Baba, I wanted to discuss something with you.


 What’s wrong? Is everything alright?


Everything is perfectly fine. It's justwell, I wanted to tell you something.


Eusfur, you said you wouldn't get all nervous again! Iirshad, umm Nansaa, I request your permission for his hand in marriage.


Oooh, my little sparrow is finally leaving the nest? About time! I was getting tired of him. Of course I'll let you marry my boy, Hoshi!


Oh, we'll have the most beautiful Arab wedding for you. I know the best place in town to get a sherwani. What color does your family wear for their weddings? Oh, look at me, already planning ahead!


Come, come! Let us go get some halva from Akilah's bakery This is a moment to celebrate!


I suppose we can delay the shop's opening for an hour or two…who can turn down dessert? Grab the keys, Eusfur!


Oh, fine! But only because it’s halva! Maybe they’ll have some laddu too.


Just wait until your uncle hears about this Eusfur, oh, he'll want to give you all of his wedding stuff! 


Are you…talking to me?


Oh my, I wasn't thinking! Just a slip, all of this excitement has my brain buzzing.


Right! Why don't you all go on ahead, I'll close up the shop for you boys and meet you at the bakery.




I'm sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have listened habibi. You didn't care that we would spend less time together, all you wanted was for me to be myself. To remember. And I took that from you, didn't I? I was so selfish. And it's too late now, I'm trapped in that room, in a constant ebb and flow, wilting just like my mother.


But I know how much it means to you every time I do remember. So I will. I'll remember.


I'm sorry I struggled. You must be heartbroken to see me this way. But know that my life has been happy, no matter what I'm experiencing in the moment, I can say I am content.


There's our superstar. Did you sleep well, Omah?


Like a fil under the dark savannah sky, habibi. How are you and Hoshi? Is he treating you well? If he isn't he won't get the halva recipe!


I-I, uhm…I promise I'm treating him well! The shop has been a hit, so we get to treat ourselves with some nice nights out.


I'm sorry.


Now just what could you be sorry for?


For not trying harder to extend my time with you. I thought that pushing this all away and spending more time with everyone would be better but, clearly that wasn't the case.


I remember that time in the woodshop. The piano room. All those moments I broke your hearts when I thought I was spending the precious time I had left making valuable memories. So, before I forget again…I love you all.


This level of lucidity after such a long period of memory issues is, unfortunately, not always a good sign. Doctor Porvo believes it's rallying.




Terminal lucidity. Her brain is expending its last bits of energy in a large burst which activates many neurons at once, which explains the memory recall. The amount of time she has left is indeterminate. I apologize if this seems blunt. Go and spend some time with your family, don't let me take all your time. If you need me or the doctor, don't hesitate to push the call button.


I grew these myself, you know. I followed your advice! You know, with the water and all. It was harder than I thought!


And they're such a vibrant blue that I thought I grew them myself! You did a wonderful job, sweetheart. See if you can get the white variety and some of its other colors. A front yard full of different shades is just so beautiful.


We barely have any room with the other plants, don't entice him!


Don't worry Hoshi, I'm sure she has some seeds somewhere in that shed of hers I can give to you. Don't listen to what Eusfur says, he's always been a negative boy!


You know, I'm feeling a little hungry. Can you go see what's in the cafeteria today? 


Of course. Come on, we should get something too, we were in such a rush to get here this morning that someone forgot to stop by the bagel shop.


I couldn't find my wallet! Anyways, we’ll see what they have today, Omah. Be back in a jiffy.


I'm feeling tired, Iirshad. But it's different.


So you know?


I think I've known for a long time. I'm not scared anymore.


You sent them so they didn't have to see, didn't you?


You know me too well. Make sure they don't come back before it happens.


I’ll make sure.


I love you.


I love you too, habibi.



Are you scared, my love?


Not anymore, Omah.


James Santangelo is a stereotypical “nerd” with interests ranging from the history of witchcraft and the occult to Dungeons & Dragons and video games. With a passion for teaching, he often takes a pedagogical approach to different problems. When he isn’t sitting down and watching the antics of The Golden Girls or playing video games until two in the morning, he can be found working on his screenplays turned novels, A Place a Mind Should Never Go and The Truth of Mount Lyashi.

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