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Michelle Bayman is a freshman Creative Writing major from New Jersey. She has been published inOutrageous Fortune and Variance. Other than her instinctual love of poetry, her passions include science fiction, Bisexual Playground, and occasionally dabbling in photography.
Lauren Breen is a junior at Susquehanna University and intends to continue writing poetry in grad school. She is also a member of S.A.V.E., the environmental club on campus, and is working to make the campus more sustainable.
Chantal Gadoury is from Muncy, PA, and is a senior Creative Writing major. She is in love with Disney movies and obsessed with Tumblr. She has plans to travel to Colorado in search of some writing job to pay back the loans she has accumulated over the past four years. She is sad to leave her friends (Besties and Roberto) and will miss them a lot. Until graduation, you will find her singing along to Tangled and trying to finish her novel “Seven Seeds of Summer.”
Clayton Pollard is a freshman at Susquehanna University majoring in Graphic Design. Photography and writing music are two of his main interests other than graphic design. Clayton is a local, hailing from Sunbury, Pennsylvania. His photography can be seen in Variance as well as in private collections.
Danielle L. Pope is a soon to be graduate of Susquehanna’s class of 2011. She came here in pursuit of Writing (her major) and Studio Art (her minor) and is leaving SU with a whole new outlook on everything. “Astromorphosis” is her first publication and she hopes that one day it’ll be in a short story collection.
Benjamin Wilson (Hughesville, PA) is a Junior Religion major with Art History and International Studies minors with a focus on Cross Cultural Comparisons. In his spare time he a sprinter for the Susquehanna track and field team. After graduation in 2012 he is hoping to attend graduate school for Archeology, and ultimately end up as a college professor in that field or Religion. “While studying abroad last semester in Cyprus, and visiting places like Israel, Egypt, Croatia, and Austria I just felt inspired by the world around me and I have been writing like mad ever since. I have always been a very avid reader and I thought it was time to take a stab at the other side of things.”
S. Wisneiski is a junior Creative Writing major and Diversity Studies minor from Bushkill, Pennsylvania. They split their time between Lambda Delta Mu, Gender and Sexuality Alliance, Sanctuary, Comic Book Club, and Tumblr. Oh, and they go to class sometimes as well. They dream of living in a tree house and spending all their time reading and writing. They believe that in order to be a good writer, you have to be willing to throw real life in people’s faces. That you can’t be afraid to show what it means to be a living being, any type of living being.
Rachel Ward is a freshman Creative Writing major, with a minor in Advertising, from Germantown, Maryland. She also plays oboe and English horn in the SU Symphonic Band and SU Orchestra and is a member of the SU Handbell Choir. She has always loved the paranormal, science fiction and fantasy genres as a creative outlet for her overactive imagination.

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