Writer: Enchanted Blooms
Ever since she first picked up a book, Cassidy Ayers has been bewitched by the fantasy genre and how it can be twisted and reimagined to enthrall new generations. Throughout her school years, she had her nose in a book (much to her teachers’ irritation) and she’s made it her goal to someday write her own. In her first original story, “Enchanted Blooms”, you’ll be whisked into a world where modernity and mysticism coexist and anything could happen.

Artist: Frank, Burning Abraham, Fisticuffs, and Marci in the Wasteland
Alan Codner is a senior Creative Writing major and Studio Art minor from upstate New York. His favorite things include B horror movies, surreal art, and chocolate ice cream. While he enjoys paint and digital illustration, his favorite things to use are just a basic ballpoint pen and some crappy computer paper. He draws simply because he lacks the good sense not to.

Writer: The Anatomy of Grass
Victoria DiMartino is a first year Creative Writing Major at Susquehanna University. Victoria is from Long Island, New York. She has been published for poetry in the Orange Island Arts Review in 2016, and currently works for The Collagist Blog as a poetry interviewer. Victoria is very excited to continue to grow with her writing as she studies at SU and cannot wait to share her work with the rest of the world!

Writer: Cave
Jacob Dimpsey is a Sophomore Creative Writing major.

Writer: Hellions
Shannon Grasser is junior psychology and creative writing double major with a minor in film. She enjoys writing things that make readers squirm a bit.

Writer: White Rabbit, Ovation, and You Are A Cactus Is Love
Kay Hammond is a Junior Creative Writing and Publishing and Editing double major in the class of 2019. She has been writing poetry since the third grade. However, she can't actually prove it, as the majority of that poetry has been burned. Kay often chooses to write to about things that are dark, odd, and/or uncomfortable because she believes there is beauty in (quite literally) everything.

Writer: Greyscale
Kerry Lewis is a junior Creative Writing and Math double major from Fairfax, Virginia. Their hobbies include writing, being gay, and crying. They hope to one day be a manic pixie dream girl and die tragically young.

Writer: Derek Selway's Livestreamed Journal and Clark Fork
Valeri Lohrman the human equivalent of that part of a roller coaster when it crests the tallest hill and your seat restraint suddenly disengages. She is also a senior Creative Writing major and songwriter from southern New Jersey.

Writer: Jeff & Lynn Banged on This Table (How Unfortunate For Lynn)
Joshua Mercier is a German and Publishing & Editing double major in the Class of 2020. He enjoys playing the guitar, drawing, and on special occasions, screaming into the unrelenting void.

Writer: Waiting
Carling Ramsdell is a sophomore at Susquehanna University majoring in creative writing and publishing and editing, and minoring in museum studies and the honors program. When she's not writing weird stories, she's volunteering at the historical houses near her home in Fairfax, Virginia. She enjoys reading books about King Arthur and obscure fairy tales, and builds dollhouses in her free time.

Writer: A Dark Thing
Deon Robinson is a sophomore Creative Writing and Psychology double major. He loves a good sunset and wishes to travel, write, and photograph later in his life.

Writer: Search Assist Dispose and H.U.M.A.N.
Mitchell Roshannon is currently a Creative Writing major and History minor interested mainly in essaying and nonfiction. That said, he loves writing science fiction and odd bits of poetry to break up the sometimes monotonous details of real life.

Photographer: Lips and Roads
Dylan is a Junior at Susquehanna University studying Early Childhood Education. While photography has nothing to do with his major, it is one of my passions and he tries and indulge in it as often as possible. It is his dream to one day teach in middle schools about the basics to photography, to hopefully open their eyes to the artistic possibilities.

Writer: Here Be Dragons
Jacob Tashoff, Creative Writing Major class of 2020, swears that he saw a thunder of dragons flying around in a storm on September 25, 2008. This is, he claims, the only proof he needs to avow that dragons live in storm clouds.